Don’t be trashy this Recycle Week

Recycle Week is our favourite week of the year (followed closely by Farmhouse Breakfast week) so we wanted to put together some words to express just how much it means to us and why you should take part.

Recycle Week

If you’re wondering “Why is Recycle Week so important to you Princes Gate?” well that’s because it’s all about putting mother nature first, and she’s great! Mother Nature lets us crash at her place for free, she helps feed us and she’s quite the looker. So instead of giving her just one day of appreciation she is going to get a whole week of love by telling you, the lovely reader, why you should take notice of this week.

If you’ve been keeping an eye on our social media you should have heard us mention the words ‘closed-loop system’ and if you’re wondering what that is, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. The closed-loop system is the circular backbone of recycling. In practice, it means that when materials are recycled, they are introduced into the loop. These materials will then be entered back into the supply chain and given a new life. This, therefore, reduces the amount of virgin material being introduced into the environment, significantly cuts down on waste, and helps keep Mother Nature looking all lovely and clean. Impressive, eh?!

The closed-loop system can take credit for the creation of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (a bit of a mouthful so we just call it rPET). So why is this so special? Well, rPET is created by recycling plastic after being sorted, cleaned, and transformed into its more sustainable and environmentally friendly counterpart. This is what we at Princes Gate are constantly on the hunt for, we want as much rPET as we can get our hands on! So far, our shirts have been made from it, our bottles are made from it, we even made our car park out of it, so who knows where we’ll put it next. This simple but incredibly effective solution to combating waste is achieved through one easy act, recycling!

Now that we’ve brought it all full circle lets hit you with some fantastic facts about recycling. Once you read them why not tell your mates, that’s a form of recycling right there! 

Leading the way!

Wales is now first in the UK, second in Europe, and third in the world for household waste recycling, and trust us when we say we’re coming for that global number one spot!

A new life

When you recycle your Princes Gate bottles, they can be made into lots of things: t-shirts, jumpers, fleece jackets, carpet, sleeping bags, and of course more bottles.

100% recyclable

All our bottles are 100% recyclable so don’t be afraid to throw them hard and fast into your nearest recycling bin, in fact, we encourage it.

Numbers don’t lie

Recycling existing plastic takes 88% less energy than creating more from virgin materials, we’re no mathematicians but that’s pretty good!

Knowledge is key

Now you’re armed with the knowledge of the closed-loop system and the power of rPET it’s time to spring into action like Captain Planet (yes that reference was also recycled). With this newfound sense of duty, you may be wondering how best to take part in Recycle Week? Well, there’s plenty of ways to get involved from simple things like making more of an effort to recycle or a larger undertaking like going down to your local beach and giving it a clean. We’re going to be sending Cloudy out to collect any rubbish he can find to recycle it. If you see him, do shout hello!

So now, we hope you’re ready to get stuck in and help us look after Mother Nature as well as she’s looked after us. We hope you’re ready to be a Recycling Superhero!

Don’t forget to use #RecycleWeek so we can see all the great stuff you get up to!


2020: A Glass half full!


Flying by the seat of our plants